Sunday 1 January 2017


As I was walking down the street during the New Year’s Eve, I was reminded of those simple ordinary moments of Happiness of my childhood days. How simple things were, like hearing the bell sound of our favorite ice cream man made us excited and rushed to have one stick of chocolate ice-cream with all those chocolate chips and cherry toppings. Or, the time when we used to buy clothes for an occasion. We were happy, excited, thrilled and most importantly content with those few frocks.  Never cared about whether we are repeating the same frocks for some occasions. When the whole family huddled in one van with etc seats to visit family and friends for New Year greetings. Or, the time when I used to wake up early in the morning and secretly rushed to our garden to pluck flowers. Or, finishing school homework quickly to run to park to play. Or, when a small chocolate bar was shared amongst eight family members. Or, when grandma used to pamper us with our native delicacies.  That was the one inch of peace and happiness looked like. That is how simple one inch of life used to be. That immeasurable Happiness!

I read somewhere, a known person said (I do not remember who said this), intelligent man can never be happy. Really? Perhaps not happy in a conventional sense, when she cannot find happiness by following the boring societal norms set centuries before, perhaps by not following and understanding certain shallow emotions of the Society. Perhaps by not dressing up for a friend's or family's marriage occasion, (and chose to go in office formals, as she has to rush directly from office) as she truly wanted to meet family and friends and celebrate the happiness. Perhaps she is not interested in make up or wearing heels. Or may be, she emotionally connects with her job or follows her heart. Or may be she is not scared of 'being Single'. We complicate happiness as we grow up. May be this world does not understand Happiness in its literal sense. And, I guess the fault is, as per our society, Intelligent people take Happiness in all its Literal and True sense. Without concealing all of it under many masks. Intelligent people manage to stick to their roots of Happiness from where it all started.

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