Tuesday 6 June 2017

Dear Me...

It is a weird day. I feel so out of place, so out of context about my own life. I wanted to do something, but it turned out to be something else. I fought with my family to take up this course. In fact, I am good at this. Then on the way, I do not know what happened. Nothing turned out to be as I thought. I lost my faith. I am not even sure if I really want to do this now. I thought I have sorted it out, but when I see people around me settling down, I am wondering maybe I should do the same.  Sitting near my window, with my camera I tried to focus nowhere, the dark grey cloud and my mood and thoughts along with my black coffee looked perfect partner in crime. I flushed the black coffee in my kitchen sink, as that is the only thing I could throw away. Wish I could flush all my thoughts, forget everything, and go back to where I started. Declutter, yes that is what I used to do earlier, when I am not sure what I want to do. So, I went cleaned my room, book shelf, wardrobe, kitchen and store room. And, I had a surprise in my store room. As I was cleaning the shelves, a box fell on my head. I almost shrieked and felt that the sky above me telling, "None of this will work, lady". I shouted, "shut-up". However, when I looked for that stupid thing which fell on my head, I was intrigued with that box, as I noticed it does not belong to me. I stay alone in this apartment, though my family and friends visit me sometime. But, none of them carried this kind of box. Who is it then? When I sat down to open this, I saw lot of photos, film negatives and a note with a tinge of yellowish, brownish coloured. Evidently, all these contents are very very old. Perhaps, belongs to the owner of the house? I was absolutely thrilled. I know it is not my box, but I convinced myself that this the most eventful thing happening in my life at this moment. So I need to open it and go through the contents. I took the box, made myself hot chocolate and sat on couch with this treasure box. I kept the film negatives safely, which I thought that, I will develop these, first thing tomorrow in the morning. This person seemed to be a photographer or at least someone interested in photography. I thought, ‘what a coincidence’. Then I opened the note, which read:

You see, what I have being wanting do is something totally out of the context of the world I belong to. I was expected to get the degree, get a job, which is by the way is equivalent to settling down in career, and then of course get married and have children, which is equivalent to settling down in life. To have a partner was important so that we do not feel lonely in our old age. I do not know about what they said, but I was sure I could not settle down with such notion. I have a different version of settling down. For me to be on move is settling, I am a gypsy at heart. I keep moving and steering through various emotions within me and of course people around me. I always liked to put myself out of that comfort zone. Frankly, at first, it was unsettling but then I got addicted to that pattern. I pushed myself to be stranded in the middle and find my way out. I surely knew that what exactly I do not want in life and that in fact made my life simple. You see directly to ask whether I know, what we want in life is much more complex. However, knowing what we do not want is quiet easy. I cannot promise I will succeed; I may fail again and again. That is ‘failed’ is what we are made to see, but for me, I succeeded in finding one more opportunity for myself. This was all so against to my social context, I never thought of leading someone or something. I never had a desire to keep building up and sustain it. My idea has always been to document and document whatever I come across in some or the other form and pass it on to everyone. And once people get it, it doesn't belong to me anymore. It belong to people, the world, to universe.. They all will sustain it. I consciously avoided the 'I' in all what I did. It will be, always will be We. What is ironic is when 'We' start working, we first realize our I.                                                                                                          --To Dear Me

The grey cloud almost went black now and the dusk creeped in. Holding this letter in my hand, I felt the other Me in the parallel world just wrote this letter to me. Or, that Me few years back who was so passionate about the life she wanted to create. How is that one failure can define me. Perhaps, I documented that one phase and may be it is the next journey with new documentations at hand. I just could not contain myself anymore. From that Me, I have a journey to fulfil with the I. The realization of the ‘I’!

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