Monday 5 December 2016

Far Side of the Moon

Then came the sun light, oh! it is the last light of the day. 
Ah the Moon! what whims and fancies it has got,
Some days it will choose to blind me with its unabashed brightness;
its naked glow drenching me,
and some days it has the choice of sheepishly not been seen;
soaking me in its utter silence.

I scribbled it as the bus moved closer to my hometown. The Moon today was too luminous for me. I wanted to hide in its far side, which I believe will be more soothing in dark. I wondered whether Do I have a choice like the Moon, fading in and out? With all its blemish spots, the Moon is admired for its beauty and elegance. Well, how do I compare myself with Moon. Moon has its lunar cycle and so do we all have. I was nervous wondering with all my flaws, will I be ever accepted back? I froze on the spot when I reached my hometown. Chill rose up my spine just thinking about it. I am returning after more than a decade carrying my backpack, which have exactly two pair of clothing, my documents and along with it my only precious thing, My Faith.  At this moment all I can remember what my father used to say, “Life is a Treasure Hunt. It is more fun to find the clues and follow the lead, instead of giving road maps and leading a safe life”. Indeed, I have been playing quite a safe game. The road map that I gave myself was an easy maze for treasure hunt. I got inside from one end and it was pretty easy to get out from the other end as I was carrying the blueprint of it. Perhaps, I should have given myself a Labyrinth model for the treasure hunt. It would have been one single pathway, venturing and returning through same way would have been more challenging. Well, why would I want challenging task when I was safe with the blueprint of the maze.

So it was quiet easy for me to get through one of the best university of the world as I believed that I am naturally intelligent and fetched the highest grades. I abandoned my dream and goal of pursuing higher studies, as I saw my peers doing well with a good package and incentives. Eventually, as I believed ‘eventually’, getting the highest position sounded more easy and took no time to grab the opportunity. I was so used to being at heights, that was my comfort zone. Well, yes there is nothing wrong in such pursuits, it was just that I forgot about the Balance. I just gave myself that one maze for my voyage and lost the sense of treasure hunt. And later I got carried away and took the ‘high’ in literal sense and to feel more high I got into drugs. Yeah, I know such a cliché life.

With a shivering hand, I called up my parents. I didn't know if they would like to have me home. I heard my mom's shrilled voice exactly after nine years. Last time apparently she called me to wish me on my birthday which went to my voice mail as I was busy celebrating my birthday and never thought of calling her back. She wrote many letters too, which remained unopened and eventually I left it all when I was shifting to my palatial house. The letters stopped coming as I did not share the address with my parents. So when I heard her voice, I choked and felt breathless. And my mom being my mom just recognized the scuffled breath, she screamed out of happiness.
Back in my bedroom, I managed to fit myself in my old bed. It is going bit high and low, but the rehab is working. This time I chose labyrinth instead of maze for my new treasure hunt. A Unicursal; single pathway. I am dwelling into the deepest and darkest places within me. Exploring my other and far side which I acknowledge is bit complicated now. I started believing in my instincts as it prompts me to pick up the clues in leading my way. The acceptance by my parents was more than smooth, but overall with twists and turns and living up to the acceptance is the biggest challenge. Trekking and hiking, hitting the low and high and eventually journeying through the Center of my Self. At the end, the insight doesn’t lie in getting the treasure but the entire passage of the journey to reach to that goal. 
I closed my eyes and sensed the radiance blinding me. I felt the white rays peeking with a knowing smirk through the curtains, seeking me. I replied;

The light of the Night, Ah! the Moon,
the shining Armour grooving with;
smooth craters and rickety path throughout.
Still choose to go with the Cycle and the Flow.
The Far Side of You, often seemed hidden;
construed as dark or perhaps black or just pale.
I chose to Seek and Scratch into that dark of Unknown;
like You, I am glowing with radiance from the creeks of my Flaws.
-----Both our rays seeped and joined together, 
enveloping in the cradle of the Universe. 

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